What to know about voting in Oct. 6 school election
Citizens can cast ballots at the polls or by mail
Registered voters who are residents of Egg Harbor City, Galloway Township, Hamilton Township or Mullica Township get a say in the special election on Thursday, Oct. 6, 2022. The steps to vote in a bond referendum follow the same protocols as any election in New Jersey. Voters should be aware of specific deadlines for this election and should understand that polling places might not be the same as those for the general elections.
Confirm your Polling Place
Atlantic County officials have set the poll sites, which are fewer than the number usually used for larger-scale elections. The Finalized Polling Locations chart will help a voter determine which poll he or she is assigned to use for this special election. Also helpful: Enter your address in the state's Poll Search Tool.
Sept. 15: Voter registration deadline
Sept. 29: Vote-By-Mail applications must be received
Thursday, Oct. 6: In-person voting 7 a.m. -8 p.m. and last day for Vote By Mail ballots to be postmarked
To vote in person on Thursday, Oct. 6:
In-person voting will be available to registered voters on Thursday, Oct. 6 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
If you arrive at a polling place and are told you are ineligible to vote because you are registered to Vote By Mail, or for any other reason, request a provisional ballot. Filling out a provisional ballot preserves your right to vote. Those ballots will be counted once officials have a chance to confirm eligibility. (Your provisional ballot will be counted later if you are registered to Vote By Mail but didn’t send in your ballot.)
Why is the vote on a Thursday?
Votes are usually on a Tuesday, but the state Department of Education changed that in 2022 because the planned date conflicted with a religious observance. The date for the GEHR bond referendum is Thursday, Oct. 6.
To vote by mail up to Oct. 6:
If you previously applied to Vote By Mail, you might automatically receive a ballot in the mail for this election. Be on the lookout for those ballots three to four weeks ahead of the Oct. 6 election.
To ask for a Vote By Mail ballot for this referendum, your application must be received by the county by Sept. 29. It’s advisable to send it in earlier to avoid postal delays. Applications are available in English and Spanish.
All Vote By Mail ballots must be postmarked by Oct. 6, placed in a designated drop box, or hand-delivered to the County Board of Elections. Those ballots will not be accepted at in-person polling locations.

Deadline to register to vote: Sept. 15
If you’re new to the area, or your name or address has changed, you can register to vote online or download and mail in a paper form in English or Spanish.
Are you a student? New Jersey residents must be 18 to vote, but students who are 17 may register now, and their voter registration will become active on their 18th birthday. Once a student is registered to vote, he or she can apply for a mail-in ballot in English or Spanish to ensure the ability to vote even if he or she is away at college.
ALL registration forms must be received by the deadline of Sept. 15 to cast a ballot in the bond referendum.
The state offers an easy way to confirm if your registration is up to date.
Just search the voter database using your name and date of birth. If the results indicate that you are not registered with your current name and/or address, follow the voter registration instructions above.

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